Stop Being a Victim!
There's no mystery about it. It's not magic.
That's the first thing we need to discuss... the Internet is NOT magic!Why do so many people struggle (and fail) at making money on the Internet?One reason is because they think the Internet can do things that are impossible.They've been told again and again that all they need to do is join this program or sign up for that program... and send in some money... and they'll
make tons of money while they sleep... because someone else is doing all the work!They've been told they can earn 12% interest PER DAY... when some of the world's most highly-skilled fund managers struggle to maintain average returns of 12% PER YEAR... so they send in hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars and then they're shocked when the program collapses and they
lose their "investment"!They're told that they'll make money as a result of the "spillover" they get from their upline... who also signed up with the promise that they'd get spillover from their upline... and nobody does anything so nobody gets anything except the owner of the program. He gets the money you sent in.Why do so many people believe that impossible things can somehow happen because of the Internet? Because they don't really understand
what the Internet is and what it can and can't do.
Yes, the Internet is capable of doing some pretty amazing things!But the Internet can't do everything. Even the Internet has limits.Here's what the Internet can't do...The Internet can't create money out of nothing. The Internet can't cause money to flow into your bank account unless you do something to actually EARN that money.Why? Because all of the money in the world already belongs to someone...
and they're doing their best to hold on to it. They're not going to send it to you unless they have a good reason!So if you're going to make money on the Internet, the first thing you need to
do is give a lot of people a very good reason to send their money to you. What kind of a reason?Basically, there are only two ways to get people to voluntarily send money
to you.You can trick people... fool them into sending you money by telling them
something that isn't true.Or you can provide people with something they want... something of value...
something they're happy to pay for.If your choice is to fool people... to cheat them out of their money using lies and deception... then you're wasting your time reading this Report. I have
nothing to say that will help you.But if you're the kind of person who values honesty, if your personal integrity is worth more to you than a few dollars, if you understand that in
every legitimate business transaction BOTH parties benefit, then this Report is going to help you in ways that you can't even begin to imagine.
There are a few things I want you to understand...
1. ) Although the Internet is an amazing tool, it owns no money. When
someone tells you that you can put up a website and it will "suck money
from the Internet like a giant vacuum on steroids"... they're hoping to fool
you into forgetting that money doesn't come from the Internet. Money
comes from people.
2.) Dishonest people tell the truth most of the time, but honest people don't
lie. If someone tells you they can guarantee you'll make a million dollars in
six months... you know they're lying, don't you? So why bother to believe
anything else they tell you? Honest people don't lie.
3.) You can make money honestly... or you can make money dishonestly...
but you can't build a successful business on dishonesty. Don't fool
yourself. You can't build a successful business in a few weeks or a few
months. It takes time to build a highly profitable business. During that time,
everything you say will have to stand the test of honesty. Don't lie, don't
exaggerate, don't stretch the truth, and don't promote a website that isn't
100% honest.
4.) Honesty, integrity, and providing a valuable product and/or service are
the foundation of every successful business. If you've had enough of the
liars and scammers, and you're ready to see a real business that you can be
proud of, Click HERE.
Do yourself a HUGE favor and forget about trying to advertise more than one program.
Choose ONE business and commit yourself to building that one business. You can FAIL at LOTS of businesses... or you can SUCCEED at ONE business... but you'll NEVER succeed by dividing your efforts and trying to build more than one business at a time. Success requires focus. If you don't believe me, just ask any successful person you can find whether you should concentrate all your efforts on building one business...
or scatter your efforts among a bunch of different programs. I think we both already know the answer to that one! Success requires focus. So if you're trying to promote more than one rogram, you can take a giant step forward right now.Choose one and get rid of the rest.Remember... success requires focus.
There are a few things I want you to understand...
1. ) Trying to promote more than one program at a time will cause you to fail. Program owners advise you to join (and promote) multiple programs
because it's easier than proving why their program is better than someone else's.
2.) The ONLY way to succeed is to pick ONE business and commit all of
your efforts and resources to building THAT business to a successful level.
3.) It's YOUR responsibility to choose the best business for you. Don't rely
on what you read on the website. Spend as much time as necessary to
learn all you can about a business BEFORE you make your decision.
4.) If someone can't explain WHY their business is better than the others, then it's probably not... and why would you want to waste your time and money on that business? I'll tell you why so many people have decided to focus their efforts on this one particular business... and then you can decide if it's also the right business for you.
You will always achieve greater results if you focus all your efforts on
promoting just one program rather than splitting your efforts trying to
promote two or more programs at once.That's not an opinion... that's a mathematical certainty.But it also raises a question. How can you focus 100% of your attention and available resources on just
ONE business... and still have the security and additional income that
comes from building incomes in multiple programs?Think about this...Every day millions of people search the Internet for some way to earn an income.They spend millions of dollars joining thousands or programs and it's entirely random.What if there was a way for you to get all those people to line up and follow you into one program? And then another?And another? Do you suppose you could make money doing that?Absolutely!In fact, if there was some way for you to get lots of people to follow you into one program after another... again and again and again... it would be impossible for you NOT to make money.So how can you do that? How can you get lots of people to follow you into program after program after program?It's easy! All you have to do is show them how they can get lots of people to follow them into program after program after program!But you don't know how to do that, do you? How can you show other people how to do something if you don't know how?That's easy too! I'll show you! You see, in my business I teach people how to focus all of their advertising resources on just ONE very simple business... and then I show them how they can create "multiple streams of income" by having people line up and follow them into one program after another after another... automatically...
without ever promoting any of those other programs.The results are predictable. Since they're able to focus 100% of their available resources on just ONE business, they can succeed in that business!And they make money.And as they make money in that business, they are provided with another program they can join to increase their income.Not dozens of different programs... just one.As they continue to build their original business, that program will grow automatically... without any time or money or effort spent promoting it.Soon they're making money in both their primary business AND the second program that's growing automatically... but they're only promoting their primary business! Now that they have more income from two income sources, they are provided with another program they can join... to increase their income even more. Not dozens of different programs... just one.As they continue to promote their original business, that program will grow automatically... just like the first one... without any time or money or effort
spent promoting it. See what's happening here? Since they can focus all of their efforts on promoting just ONE business, they can succeed at that business.And since the other programs grow automatically, their income also grows automatically, and they automatically create "multiple streams of income".But wait a minute.How do those programs "grow automatically" without anyone promoting them?That's a fair question. Here's the answer.Tell me, would you join a program if you knew that 10 or 15 or maybe 100 other people would join under you, and you knew you would make money by joining that program? Sure you would! If you knew without question that you could spend $10 and earn $50, you'd jump at the chance.Anyone would! That's how those programs grow automatically without anyone promoting them.Using our proprietary software, those programs will grow automatically as people line up to follow you into those program... because they KNOW people will line up to follow THEM!It may sound complicated at first, but it's really an amazingly simple system that allows you to start your own Internet business for a total cost of just $5 (yes, just five dollars) and then use a portion of your profits to create additional incomes that grow automatically... as you focus 100% of your
available resources on just ONE business.
There are a few things I want you to understand...
1. ) Trying to promote more than one program at a time will cause you to fail.
2.) There's no NEED for you to waste your time trying! Now there's a way to focus all of your efforts and resources on building just
ONE business to a successful level... and create MANY additional incomes
3.) This is NOT just a theory... we're doing it NOW.We're teaching others and we can teach YOU as well!
4.) You can get everything you need just by making a simple one-time $5
ebook purchase.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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